Thursday, June 18, 2009

Couple bits of news...

Number one, 501 Bento Box Lunches is just now coming out in the states. (If you have it pre-ordered under "500 Bento Box Lunches", don't sweat's the same book. They just gave you a bonus.) It's a collaborative effort and showcases a lot of talented people. The photos are beautiful and...perhaps on purpose...the paperback is just about the same size as the squarish one-tier boxes, which I found cute.

I saw some complaints on various reviews about lack of recipes and such, and I know that I did submit recipes, so they must have had to edit a lot for space. I'll go ahead and re-post some of those recipes here as soon as I get them tracked down again, so that they'll be available to the curious. Sorry about that...the editors make all the final decisions with that stuff.

Also, I have a gallery show coming up next month. I'm still not clear on exactly how long it will be...I think I have the gallery for a month, but the opening is on July 17th in the Art Space in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Still got to nail a lot of those details down. Because I obviously can't leave a bunch of bento boxes out in a gallery for a month, there will only be "fresh examples" on opening night...the rest will be assorted photos that might be familiar from those who know my stuff on flickr. I'd like to do some new ones too....we'll see how that goes. I had no idea that prepping for a gallery show was so much work.

As far as I know, I still have some stuff up in the hallway of Giacomo's, too.

Thanks :)

Korero's 501 Bentos Site

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